Goals slide

Goals slide

Last updated 15 November, 2024

Available to all users with access to the Ready Review deck



The first genuinely data-driven slide in the deck displays what matters most to your clients, to highlight that the rest of this document is goals-based advice. The client’s goals—and their partner’s, if found—are displayed from the standard goals area in Xplan.



None by default, but a subslide will be created on the fly if you add notes to the slide.



  1. The drop-down at the top allows you to filter the goals by the primary client, their partner (if found) or All.

  2. By default, the goals are collapsed but you can expand each entity as you’re ready to focus on them:


  3. You can create actions and notes before, after and even during your meetings:



Goals data comes from the Fact Find in Xplan’s Client Focus.

Note: We only fetch goals from Xplan, not objectives


We do not apply any filtering to the goals we fetch from Xplan—all goals are retrieved and displayed.

Datapoints, mapping and usage

LivePreso datapoints

Where is it in Xplan?

API field names

Usage notes

LivePreso datapoints

Where is it in Xplan?

API field names

Usage notes


Goal > Category


The icons below are shown on the slide for the associated Category values

cash flow management

debt management or mortgage

estate planning




savings and investment or wealth creation


(This includes any values not in the list above)


Goal > Current Status


The goal icons above are designed to be colour coded with a “traffic light” system based on their status in Xplan. There are only 3 colours in use—green, orange and red—but they can be mapped to different statuses. Currently, the mapping is:

on track or fulfilled = green

at risk or partially fulfilled = orange

not on track or unfulfilled = red

Note: If your Xplan site uses different goal statuses, feel free to make a request to add yours. So long as they can be aligned to the colours as above, we can add them for you so the colour coding works.


Goal > Summary Description

Goal > Target Amount ($)

Goal > Target Date




If both Target Amount ($) and Target Date are present for the goal in Xplan, Description will be displayed as:

Summary description ($Target Amount ($) by Target Date)
Example: Save for a car ($30,000 by 12/12/2025)

Otherwise, it will only display Summary Description
Example: Save for a car


Goal > Comments


If comments exist for a goal, a small Notes link will appear on the right-hand side of the goal. Clicking the link will expand the area to show the detailed comments/info.

Client vs Partner goals

Goal > Goal is for


Goals are visually organised into expandable sections for the primary client and their partner (if included in the preso)—based on whether each goal’s Goal is for is set to Client, Partner or Joint.


Personalisation options

  1. Your practice admin can set your brand colour in HQ. In the screenshot example above, the light blue used in the header and table heading is the brand colour.

  2. Your practice admin can set your practice’s colour palette in PresoManager. In the screenshot example above, the pink and dark blue are 2 of the 3 colours in the chosen palette. The palette is also used throughout the deck for charts, entities and asset classes.

  3. Your practice admin can set your practice’s default heading, introductory text and table headings for the slide in PresoManager.


Prep mode editability

When you open this slide in prep mode you will have the following editing options for your preso:

  1. You can edit the title of the slide (“Goals” by default).

  2. You can edit the introductory text.

  3. You can edit the table headings (“Type” and “Description” by default).

  4. You can set the default filtering for the slide by using the entity dropdown.


Notes on PDF version

The goals area scrolls in the interactive slide to accommodate a long list of goals. For the PDF version, the goals are displayed over as many separate pages as are required.


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